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Currently hardcoded into feb 2015 4:{ num_images:1, location:'/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/just_map_tidalcurrents_', frames: { 1: { show_picture:0, curr_day:7, curr_hr:23, start_day:8, start_hr:0, end_day:22, end_hr:0, pictures: [] } } }, 5:{ //Has two images. num_images:2, location:'/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/tidalcurrents_', frames: { 1: { show_picture:0, curr_day:7, curr_hr:23, start_day:8, start_hr:0, end_day:11, end_hr:0, pictures: [] }, 2: { show_picture:0, curr_day:13, curr_hr:23, start_day:14, start_hr:0, end_day:17, end_hr:0, pictures: [] } } }, 6:{ //Has two images. num_images:2, location:'/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/tidalcurrents_', frames: { 1: { show_picture:0, curr_day:7, curr_hr:23, start_day:8, start_hr:0, end_day:11, end_hr:0, pictures: [] }, 2: { show_picture:0, curr_day:13, curr_hr:23, start_day:14, start_hr:0, end_day:17, end_hr:0, pictures: [] } } }, 7:{ num_images:1, location:'/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/tidalcurrents_', frames: { 1: { show_picture:0, curr_day:7, curr_hr:23, start_day:8, start_hr:0, end_day:22, end_hr:0, pictures: [] } } } }, my_popups:{ 1:[], //None 2:[ { icon:'', position:{ top:'28%', left: '63%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station at Palmer Research Station ', size:'small' },{ icon:'', position:{ top:'65%', left: '64%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station within Wauwermans Islands. ', size:'small' },{ icon:'', position:{ top:'31%', left: '37%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station within Joubin Islands ', size:'small' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'3%', left: '68%', align:'right-side'}, content:'The date and time that the data were collected for the figure we are looking at.', size:'' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'14%', left: '74%', align:'right-side'}, content:'This is the North arrow to demonstrate which direction is North on the map.', size:'' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'22%', left: '67%', align:''}, //content:'Anvers Island, Antarctica (gray area represents the land).', content:'Anvers Island, Antarctica (gray area represents the land).', size:'small' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'65%', left: '35%', align:'right-side'}, content:'Each black arrow over the ocean area represents the direction (not speed) the surface water was moving.', size:'' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'15%', left: '30%', align:'right-side'}, content:'Open ocean around Palmer Research Station.', size:'small' } ], 3:[ { icon:'', position:{ top:'28%', left: '63%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station at Palmer Research Station ', size:'small' },{ icon:'', position:{ top:'65%', left: '64%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station within Wauwermans Islands. ', size:'small' },{ icon:'', position:{ top:'31%', left: '37%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station within Joubin Islands ', size:'small' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'40%', left: '37%', align:'right-side'}, content:'Each black arrow over the ocean area represents the direction (not speed) the surface water was moving.', size:'' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'75%', left: '37%', align:'right-side'}, content:'When the arrows are pointing away from a location, this indicates a Divergent Front.', size:'' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'80%', left: '54%', align:'right-side'}, content:'When the arrows are following a circular pattern in a location, this indicates an eddy.', size:'' },{ icon:'info', position:{ top:'60%', left: '56%', align:'right-side'}, //????:content:'When the arrows are pointing away from a location, this indicates a Convergent Front.', content:'When the arrows are pointing towards a location, this indicates a Convergent Front.', size:'' } ], 4:[], 5:[], 6:[], 7:[{ icon:'', position:{ top:'22%', left: '62%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station at Palmer Research Station ', size:'small' },{ icon:'', position:{ top:'54%', left: '63%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station within Wauwermans Islands. ', size:'small' },{ icon:'', position:{ top:'25%', left: '37%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station within Joubin Islands ', size:'small' },{ icon:'penguin', position:{top:'40%', left: '64%', align:''}, icon_position:{ 1: {top:'22%', left: '54%', align:''}, 2: {top:'34%', left: '56%', align:''}, 3: {top:'29%', left: '69%', align:''}, 4: {top:'62%', left: '59%', align:''}, 5: {top:'37%', left: '30%', align:''} /*ORIGINAL POSITIONS 1: {top:'22%', left: '58%', align:''}, 2: {top:'26%', left: '59%', align:''}, 3: {top:'29%', left: '64%', align:''}, 4: {top:'31%', left: '70%', align:''} */ }, content:'There are multiple seabird colonies (e.g., Adelie penguin, Gentoo penguin, Chinstrap penguin, Skuas, Petrals) around Palmer Research Station. ', size:'' },{ icon:'whale', position:{top:'-7%', left: '1%', align:''}, icon_position:{ 1: {top:'31%', left: '40%', align:''}, 2: {top:'59%', left: '41%', align:''}, 3: {top:'46%', left: '66%', align:''} /*ORIGINAL POSITIONS 1: {top:'22%', left: '47%', align:''}, 2: {top:'31%', left: '44%', align:''}, 3: {top:'41%', left: '35%', align:''}, 4: {top:'57%', left: '55%', align:''}, 5: {top:'36%', left: '61%', align:''} */ }, content:'There are multiple marine mammal populations (e.g., Humpback Whales, Leopard seals) that live or visit the ocean around Palmer Research Station.', size:'' },{ icon:'plankton', position:{top:'45%', left: '-1%', align:''}, icon_position:{ 1: {top:'35%', left: '64%', align:''}, 2: {top:'25%', left: '41%', align:''}, 3: {top:'45%', left: '45%', align:''}, 4: {top:'41%', left: '32%', align:''}, 5: {top:'52%', left: '51%', align:''}, 6: {top:'63%', left: '31%', align:''} /*ORIGINAL POSITIONS 1: {top:'39%', left: '50%', align:''}, 2: {top:'45%', left: '46%', align:''}, 3: {top:'52%', left: '42%', align:''} */ }, content:'Phytoplankton and zooplankton make up the base of the Antarctica food web. They move with the currents in the ocean around Palmer Research Station. ', size:'' } ], 8:[{ icon:'', position:{ top:'22%', left: '62%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station at Palmer Research Station ', size:'small' },{ icon:'', position:{ top:'54%', left: '63%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station within Wauwermans Islands. ', size:'small' },{ icon:'', position:{ top:'25%', left: '37%', align:''}, content:'CODAR station within Joubin Islands ', size:'small' },{ icon:'penguin', position:{top:'40%', left: '64%', align:''}, icon_position:{ 1: {top:'22%', left: '54%', align:''}, 2: {top:'34%', left: '56%', align:''}, 3: {top:'29%', left: '69%', align:''}, 4: {top:'62%', left: '59%', align:''}, 5: {top:'37%', left: '30%', align:''} /*ORIGINAL POSITIONS 1: {top:'22%', left: '58%', align:''}, 2: {top:'26%', left: '59%', align:''}, 3: {top:'29%', left: '64%', align:''}, 4: {top:'31%', left: '70%', align:''} */ }, content:'There are multiple seabird colonies (e.g., Adelie penguin, Gentoo penguin, Chinstrap penguin, Skuas, Petrals) around Palmer Research Station. ', size:'' },{ icon:'whale', position:{top:'-7%', left: '1%', align:''}, icon_position:{ 1: {top:'31%', left: '40%', align:''}, 2: {top:'59%', left: '41%', align:''}, 3: {top:'46%', left: '66%', align:''} /*ORIGINAL POSITIONS 1: {top:'22%', left: '47%', align:''}, 2: {top:'31%', left: '44%', align:''}, 3: {top:'41%', left: '35%', align:''}, 4: {top:'57%', left: '55%', align:''}, 5: {top:'36%', left: '61%', align:''} */ }, content:'There are multiple marine mammal populations (e.g., Humpback Whales, Leopard seals) that live or visit the ocean around Palmer Research Station.', size:'' },{ icon:'plankton', position:{top:'45%', left: '-1%', align:''}, icon_position:{ 1: {top:'35%', left: '64%', align:''}, 2: {top:'25%', left: '41%', align:''}, 3: {top:'45%', left: '45%', align:''}, 4: {top:'41%', left: '32%', align:''}, 5: {top:'52%', left: '51%', align:''}, 6: {top:'63%', left: '31%', align:''} /*ORIGINAL POSITIONS 1: {top:'39%', left: '50%', align:''}, 2: {top:'45%', left: '46%', align:''}, 3: {top:'52%', left: '42%', align:''} */ }, content:'Phytoplankton and zooplankton make up the base of the Antarctica food web. They move with the currents in the ocean around Palmer Research Station. 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Probably. 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Loading other items.'); jQuery('#mosaic-next-button').prop({disabled:false}); jQuery('button','#mosaic-button-nav').on('click', function () { navi_helper.go_to_page( jQuery(this).data('page-id') ); }); //We're going to remove the #sidebar for now and make #main width 100% jQuery('#sidebar').hide(); jQuery('#main').css({width:'100%'}); navi_helper.initialize_pictures(); jQuery('#step-back-1').on('click', function () { console.info('Step-Back button clicked.'); navi_helper.step_back(1); }); jQuery('#pause-1').on('click', function () { console.info('Pause button clicked.'); navi_helper.pause_images(1); }); jQuery('#play-1').on('click', function () { console.info('Play button clicked.'); navi_helper.play_images(1); }); jQuery('#step-forward-1').on('click', function () { console.info('Step-Forward button clicked.'); navi_helper.step_forward(1); }); jQuery('#step-back-2').on('click', function () { console.info('Step-Back button clicked.'); navi_helper.step_back(2); }); jQuery('#pause-2').on('click', function () { console.info('Pause button clicked.'); navi_helper.pause_images(2); }); jQuery('#play-2').on('click', function () { console.info('Play button clicked.'); navi_helper.play_images(2); }); jQuery('#step-forward-2').on('click', function () { console.info('Step-Forward button clicked.'); navi_helper.step_forward(2); }); }, 'text'); });