var whaleData=[[1241715360000,1],[1241715720000,1],[1241716080000,3],[1241716440000,5],[1241716800000,7],[1241717160000,8],[1241717520000,9],[1241717880000,10],[1241718240000,6],[1241718600000,5],[1241718960000,8],[1241719320000,9],[1241719680000,10],[1241720040000,7],[1241720400000,6],[1241720760000,5],[1241721120000,7],[1241721480000,9],[,14],[1241722200000,20],[1241722560000,40],[1241722920000,50],[1241723280000,50],[1241723640000,50],[1241724000000,49],[1241724360000,50],[1241724720000,50],[1241725080000,49],[1241725440000,50],[1241725800000,51],[1241726160000,55],[1241726520000,52],[1241726880000,50],[1241727240000,30],[1241727600000,20],[1241727960000,15],[1241728320000,10],[1241728680000,250],[1241729040000,350],[1241729400000,325],[1241729760000,300],[1241730120000,325],[1241730480000,350],[1241730840000,250],[1241731200000,10],[1241731560000,130],[1241731920000,250],[1241732280000,290],[1241732640000,100],[1241733000000,50],[1241733360000,10],[1241733720000,350],[1241734080000,300],[1241734440000,325],[1241734800000,55],[1241735160000,100],[1241735520000,50],[1241735880000,200],[1241736240000,150],[1241736600000,290],[1241736960000,200],[1241737320000,100],[1241737680000,50],[1241738040000,10],[1241738400000,10],[1241738760000,250],[1241739120000,350],[1241739480000,300],[1241739840000,350],[1241740200000,250],[1241740560000,100],[1241740920000,10],[1241741280000,250],[1241741640000,350],[1241742000000,300],[1241742360000,350],[1241742720000,250],[1241743080000,100],[1241743440000,10],[1241743800000,250],[1241744160000,350],[1241744520000,300],[1241744880000,350],[1241745240000,250],[1241745600000,10]]; //Jquery should already be loaded. //Just because IE incase the console doesn't exist (LTE IE9). var console = console ? console : { log: function () {}, info: function () {}, warn: function () {}, error: function () {} }; jQuery(function () { //WARNING: THIS METHOD WILL NOT WORK IF YOU UPGRADE JQUERY TOO FAR //if( jQuery.browser.msie || ( jQuery.browser.version=='11.0' && jQuery.browser.mozilla )/* IE 11 is weird and reporting mozilla flag?.*/ ){ if( window.document.documentMode ) { console.warn('Using Internet Explorer!'); jQuery('#play-slider-1').on('change', function () { //console.log('Changed slider 1'); navi_helper.pause_images(1); navi_helper.go_to_picture(1, jQuery(this).val() ); }); jQuery('#play-slider-2').on('change', function () { //console.log('Changed slider 2'); navi_helper.pause_images(2); navi_helper.go_to_picture(2, jQuery(this).val() ); }); }else { jQuery('#play-slider-1').on('input', function () { //console.log('Changed slider 1'); navi_helper.pause_images(1); navi_helper.go_to_picture(1, jQuery(this).val() ); }); jQuery('#play-slider-2').on('input', function () { //console.log('Changed slider 2'); navi_helper.pause_images(2); navi_helper.go_to_picture(2, jQuery(this).val() ); }); } }); var navi_helper = { current_page:0, min_page:0, max_page:9, ext_enabled: false, dataValues: { fakeWhale:[], fakeWhaleClick:[], fakeKrill:[], realKrill:[], realWhale:[] }, my_chart: null, enable_extension: function () { this.ext_enabled=true; jQuery('button','#mosaic-button-nav').removeClass('ext-button'); this.go_to_page('next'); return true; }, seriesSets: { randomSeries: [], krillData: [], whaleData: [], patternWhaleData: [] }, initialize_graphs: function () { Highcharts.setOptions({global: { useUTC: true } }); jQuery.get( '', function (csv) { //console.log('test'); navi_helper.seriesSets.krillData = csv; //console.log('wtf'); } ); jQuery.get( '', function (csv) { var lineSplit = csv.split("\n"); for(var i in lineSplit) { var myData = lineSplit[i].split(','); var myTime = (new Date(myData[0])); myTime.setHours( myTime.getHours() -4 ); myTime= myTime.getTime(); if(myTime < 1241700960000 || myTime > 1241731200000 ) { }else{ //console.log(myTime); navi_helper.seriesSets.whaleData.push([myTime,parseFloat(myData[1])]); } } navi_helper.seriesSets.whaleData.shift(); } ); var startTime = (new Date('5/7/2009 8:56:00')); var i; for (i = 0; i < 85; i++) { var time = startTime.getTime(); navi_helper.seriesSets.randomSeries.push([ time, Math.round(Math.random() * 370) + 10 ]); startTime.setMinutes(startTime.getMinutes() + 6); } //Var whaleData comes from whale extension js navi_helper.seriesSets.patternWhaleData=whaleData; Highcharts.setOptions({global: { useUTC: true } }); this.my_chart = Highcharts.chart('highcharts-graph-1', { chart: { type: 'spline', spacingRight: 10, }, plotOptions:{ }, title: { text: 'Datos de seguimiento de una ballena' }, tooltip:{ useHTML:true, enabled:false }, xAxis: { title: { text: "Tiempo" }, type: 'datetime', labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value === 1241701200000) { return '13:00
Mediodía' } if( this.value === 1241730000000) { return '21:00
Tarde a la noche' } var myFormat = (new Date()); myFormat.setTime(this.value); //console.log(myFormat); return (myFormat.getHours()+4) + ':' + (myFormat.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + myFormat.getMinutes() : myFormat.getMinutes() ) ; //return this.value; } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Profundidad (m)' }, reversed: true, labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value===0 ) { return 'Superficie 0'; } if( this.value===400 ) { return 'Profundo 400'; } return this.value; } } }, series: [{ name: 'Profundidad', data: navi_helper.seriesSets.randomSeries, enableMouseTracking: false, lineWidth:3 }] }); this.my_chart.addSeries({ name: 'whale click', showInLegend: false, cursor:'pointer', data: (function () { //Grab the last item in the previous series var data = []; var my_pt = navi_helper.my_chart.series[0].points[ navi_helper.my_chart.series[0].points.length - 1] ; //data.push( ); data.push([ my_pt.x, my_pt.y ]); //console.log(data); return data; }()), visible:false, allowPointSelect: false, enableMouseTracking: true, marker: { symbol: "url(", width:50, height:28 }, selected:true, point:{ events:{ click: function(e) { console.log('selected whale'); console.log(e); jQuery('span.marker').trigger('click'); } } }, tooltip:{ headerFormat:'', hideDelay:6000, pointFormatter: null/*function() { return 'Para saber más sobre las ballenas jorobadas en la Antártida, vean los siguientes recursos: NMFS o American Cetacean Society'; }*/ } }); this.update_info_bubbles(); }, fps: 3, //show two frames every second. (1000 ms/#) my_timer: { 1: null, 2: null }, dynamic_images:{}, clearChartData: function () { //console.log(this.my_chart); while(this.my_chart.series.length > 0) { this.my_chart.series[0].remove(true); } }, clickEnabled:false, myWhalePredictions: [], whalePreditionsActive:false, chartClickEvent: function ( event ) { if( navi_helper.clickEnabled ) { navi_helper.my_chart.renderer.image( '', event.xAxis[0].axis.toPixels(event.xAxis[0].value)-25, event.yAxis[0].axis.toPixels(event.yAxis[0].value)-14, 50, //width 28 ).attr({ zIndex: 8 }) .css({ color: '#FFFFFF' }).add(); navi_helper.myWhalePredictions.push({ img:'', x: event.xAxis[0].axis.toPixels(event.xAxis[0].value)-25, y: event.yAxis[0].axis.toPixels(event.yAxis[0].value)-14, w: 50, //width h: 28 }); navi_helper.whalePreditionsActive = true; //.add(); } }, my_popups:{ 1:[{ icon:'whale', position:{top:'50%', left: '50%', align:''}, content:'Para saber más sobre las ballenas jorobadas en la Antártida, vean los siguientes recursos: NMFS o American Cetacean Society', size:'' }], //None 2:[{ icon:'whale', position:{top:'50%', left: '50%', align:''}, content:'Para saber más sobre las ballenas jorobadas en la Antártida, vean los siguientes recursos: NMFS o American Cetacean Society', size:'' }], 3:[{ icon:'plankton', position:{top:'18%', left: '30%', align:''}, content:'To learn more about Antarctic krill in Antarctica, check out these resources: FAO, IUCN, or Australian Antarctic Division or American Cetacean Society', size:'' }], 4:[], 5:[], 6:[] }, restoreGraphState: function ( page_num ){ //If page 1 or two, we just have the rando whale data. if( page_num == 1 || page_num == 2 || page_num == 3 || page_num == 4) { navi_helper.whalePreditionsActive = false; navi_helper.myWhalePredictions=[]; } if( page_num == 1 || page_num == 2) { navi_helper.whalePreditionsActive = false; navi_helper.myWhalePredictions=[]; this.my_chart = Highcharts.chart('highcharts-graph-1', { chart: { type: 'spline', spacingRight: 20, }, plotOptions:{}, title: { text: 'Datos de seguimiento de una ballena' }, tooltip:{ useHTML:true, enabled:false }, xAxis: { title: { text: "Tiempo" }, type: 'datetime', labels:{ formatter: function () { if( this.value === 1241701200000) { return '13:00
Mediodía' } if( this.value === 1241730000000) { return '21:00
Tarde a la noche' } var myFormat = (new Date()); myFormat.setTime(this.value); return (myFormat.getHours()+4) + ':' + (myFormat.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + myFormat.getMinutes() : myFormat.getMinutes() ) ; //return this.value; } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Profundidad (m)' }, reversed: true, labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value===0 ) { return 'Superficie 0'; } if( this.value===400 ) { return 'Profundo 400'; } return this.value; } } }, series: [{ name: 'Profundidad', data: navi_helper.seriesSets.randomSeries, enableMouseTracking: false, lineWidth:3 }] }); this.my_chart.addSeries({ name: 'whale click', showInLegend: false, cursor:'pointer', data: (function () { //Grab the last item in the previous series var data = []; var my_pt = navi_helper.my_chart.series[0].points[ navi_helper.my_chart.series[0].points.length - 1] ; //data.push( ); data.push([ my_pt.x, my_pt.y ]); //console.log(data); return data; }()), visible:false, allowPointSelect: false, enableMouseTracking: true, marker: { symbol: "url(", width:50, height:28 }, selected:true, point:{ events:{ click: function(e) { //console.log('selected whale'); //console.log(e); jQuery('span.marker').trigger('click'); /* this .graphic .css({'transform': 'rotate(180deg)'}) */ } } }, tooltip:{ headerFormat:'', hideDelay:6000, pointFormatter: null/*function() { return 'To learn more about Humpback whales in Antarctica, check out these resources: NMFS or American Cetacean Society'; }*/ } }); //If this is specifically the second Page, we add the whale marker if (page_num==2) { //console.log(this.my_chart.series); this.my_chart.series[1].setVisible(true); var p = this.my_chart.series[1].points[ this.my_chart.series[1].points.length - 1]; p.update({ marker: { symbol: "url(", width:50, height:28 }, selected:true }); if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('y-axis-helper') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addAxis({ id:'y-axis-helper', title: { text: 'Cuán lejos de la superficie estaba la ballena', style:{ fontSize:'large', color:'black' } } },false,true,true); } if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('x-axis-helper') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addAxis({ id:'x-axis-helper', lineWidth:0, title: { text: 'Cuándo estuvo acá la ballena', style:{ fontSize:'large', color:'black' } } },true,true,true); } } }else if (page_num==3 || page_num==4 || page_num==5 || page_num==6) { this.clearChartData(); this.my_chart = Highcharts.chart('highcharts-graph-1', { data: {csv:navi_helper.seriesSets.krillData}, chart: { type: 'heatmap', zoomType: 'xy', colsize: 360000, events: { click: navi_helper.chartClickEvent } //margin: [60, 10, 80, 50] }, legend: { align: 'right', layout: 'vertical', margin: 0, padding:0, verticalAlign: 'top', reversed:true, symbolHeight:400, title:'Krill Weight', y:50 }, boost: { useGPUTranslations: true }, title: { text: 'Datos del krill', align: 'center', x: 40 }, xAxis: { title: { text: "Tiempo" }, type: 'datetime', labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log('[Restore Graph] X Axis: '+ this.value); if( this.value === 1241701200000) { return '13:00
Mediodía' } if( this.value === 1241730000000) { return '21:00
Tarde a la noche' } var myFormat = (new Date()); myFormat.setTime(this.value); //console.log(myFormat); return (myFormat.getHours()+4) + ':' + (myFormat.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + myFormat.getMinutes() : myFormat.getMinutes() ) ; //return this.value; } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Profundidad (m)' }, reversed: true, labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log('[Restore Graph] Y Axis: '+ this.value); if( this.value===0 ) { return 'Superficie 0'; } if( this.value===400 ) { return 'Profundo 400'; } return this.value; } }, min:0, max:400, minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, tickWidth: 1, reversed: true, }, colorAxis: { stops: [ [0,'#1589FF'], //[0, '#3060cf'], [0.5, '#fffbbc'], [0.9, '#c4463a'], [1, '#c4463a'] ], min: 0, max: 19.2786, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, labels: { format: '{value} ' } }, series: [{ boostThreshold: 100, borderWidth: 0, colsize: 360000, rowsize:10, /*colsize: 360000, rowsize: 10,*/ nullColor: '#000000', tooltip: { headerFormat: 'Peso del krill en la profundidad
', pointFormat: '{point.x:%e %b, %Y %H:%M:%S} - Profundidad:{point.y}, Pseo: {point.value}' }, turboThreshold: Number.MAX_VALUE // #3404, remove after 4.0.5 release }/*,{ name: 'Depth', type:'spline', data: navi_helper.seriesSets.randomSeries, enableMouseTracking: false }*/] }); if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('y-axis-helper') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addAxis({ id:'y-axis-helper', title: { text: 'Cuán lejos debajo de la superficie estaba el krill', style:{ fontSize:'large', color:'black' } } },false,true,true); } if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('y-axis-helper-2') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addAxis({ id:'y-axis-helper', title: { text: 'Cantidad de krill (g)', style:{ fontSize:'medium', color:'black', height:'40px', } ,rotation:270 }, opposite:true },false,true,true); } if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('x-axis-helper') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addAxis({ id:'x-axis-helper', lineWidth:0, title: { text: 'Cuándo estuvo el krill ahí', style:{ fontSize:'large', color:'black' } } },true,true,true); } if( page_num == 5 || page_num == 6 ) { if( navi_helper.whalePreditionsActive ) { for(var i in navi_helper.myWhalePredictions){ var whalePred = navi_helper.myWhalePredictions[i]; navi_helper.my_chart.renderer.image( whalePred.img, whalePred.x, whalePred.y, whalePred.w, whalePred.h ).attr({ zIndex: 8 }) .css({ color: '#FFFFFF' }).add(); } } } } }, extStage:0, extInProgress:false, extensionUpdateChart: function (stage){ if( navi_helper.extInProgress ) { return; } navi_helper.extInProgress=true; if( stage ) { if( stage == 'prev' ) { navi_helper.extStage--; if(navi_helper.extStage<0){ navi_helper.extStage=0; } }else if( stage == 'replay' ) { navi_helper.extStage=navi_helper.extStage; }else if( stage == 'next' ) { navi_helper.extStage++; if(navi_helper.extStage>3){ navi_helper.extStage=3; } } }else{ navi_helper.extStage=0; } var i=0; var endI = 0; timeInterval = 200; //ms if( navi_helper.extStage == 0 ){ i=0; markerStartI = 0; endI=19; jQuery('#li-resting').hide(); jQuery('#li-traveling').hide(); jQuery('#li-exploring').hide(); jQuery('#li-feeding').hide(); jQuery('p.exploring-finished').hide(); jQuery('#li-resting').fadeIn('slow'); //remove plot bands navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-travel',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-exploring',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-feeding',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-resting',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].addPlotBand({ // mark the weekend id:'band-resting', color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', from: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 12, 46 ,00 ), to: 1241721840000, label: { text: "En reposo", style: { color: 'blue', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize:'x-large' }, y:-5 }, zIndex:20 }); }else if( navi_helper.extStage == 1 ){ i=19; markerStartI = i-1; endI=37; jQuery('#li-traveling').hide(); jQuery('#li-feeding').hide(); jQuery('#li-exploring').hide(); jQuery('p.exploring-finished').hide(); jQuery('#li-traveling').fadeIn('slow'); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-travel',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-exploring',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-feeding',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].addPlotBand({ // mark the weekend id:'band-travel', color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', from: 1241721840000, to: 1241728320000, label: { text: "Viajando", style: { color: 'red', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize:'x-large' }, y:-5 }, zIndex:20 }); /* value: 1241721840000, color: 'blue' }, { value:1241728320000, color: 'red' }, { value:1241738400000, color: 'green' }, { color: 'gold' }] */ }else if( navi_helper.extStage == 2 ){ i=37; endI=65; markerStartI = i-1; jQuery('#li-exploring').hide(); jQuery('#li-feeding').hide(); jQuery('p.exploring-finished').hide(); jQuery('#li-exploring').fadeIn('slow'); timeInterval=400; navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-feeding',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-exploring',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].addPlotBand({ // mark the weekend id:'band-exploring', color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', from: 1241728320000, to: 1241738400000, label: { text: "Exploración", style: { color: 'gold', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize:'x-large' }, y:-5 }, zIndex:20 }); }else if( navi_helper.extStage == 3 ){ i=65; endI=85; markerStartI = i-1; timeInterval=500; jQuery('#li-feeding').hide(); jQuery('p.feeding-finished').hide(); jQuery('#li-feeding').fadeIn('slow', function () { jQuery('p.feeding-finished').fadeIn('slow'); }); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].removePlotBand('band-feeding',false); navi_helper.my_chart.xAxis[0].addPlotBand({ // mark the weekend id:'band-feeding', color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', from: 1241738400000, to: 1241745600000, label: { text: "Alimentación", style: { color: 'green', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize:'x-large' }, y:-5 }, zIndex:20 }); } //remove points, no animation var minusI = navi_helper.my_chart.series[0].data.length-1; for(minusI;minusI>=i;minusI--){ navi_helper.my_chart.series[0].removePoint(minusI,false, false); } //Move whale to last point. var series2 = navi_helper.my_chart.get('end point');[0].update(navi_helper.seriesSets.patternWhaleData[markerStartI], false, false); navi_helper.my_chart.redraw(false); var myInterval = setInterval(function () { if (i ASF', 100, 100, 'rect', 0,0, true, true, '' );*/ /* this.my_chart.renderer.image('', 100, 100, 30, 30) .add();*/ } else if( this.current_page == 3 ) { jQuery('#extension-controls').hide(); //console.log(navi_helper.seriesSets.krillData); jQuery('#krill-overlay').show(); this.clearChartData(); this.my_chart = Highcharts.chart('highcharts-graph-1', { data: {csv:navi_helper.seriesSets.krillData}, chart: { type: 'heatmap', zoomType: 'xy', colsize: 360000, events: { click: navi_helper.chartClickEvent } //margin: [60, 10, 80, 50] }, legend: { align: 'right', layout: 'vertical', margin: 0, padding:0, verticalAlign: 'top', reversed:true, symbolHeight:400, title:'Krill Weight', y:50 }, boost: { useGPUTranslations: true }, title: { text: 'Datos del krill', align: 'center', x: 40 }, xAxis: { title: { text: "Tiempo" }, type: 'datetime', labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value === 1241701200000) { return '13:00
Mediodía' } if( this.value === 1241730000000) { return '21:00
Tarde a la noche' } var myFormat = (new Date()); myFormat.setTime(this.value); //console.log(myFormat); return (myFormat.getHours()+4) + ':' + (myFormat.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + myFormat.getMinutes() : myFormat.getMinutes() ) ; //return this.value; } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Profundidad (m)' }, reversed: true, labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value===0 ) { return 'Superficie 0'; } if( this.value===400 ) { return 'Profundo 400'; } return this.value; } }, minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, tickWidth: 1, reversed: true, min:0, max:400 }, colorAxis: { stops: [ [0,'#1589FF'], //[0, '#3060cf'], [0.5, '#fffbbc'], [0.9, '#c4463a'], [1, '#c4463a'] ], min: 0, max: 19.2786, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, labels: { format: '{value} ' } }, series: [{ boostThreshold: 100, borderWidth: 0, colsize: 360000, rowsize:10, /*colsize: 360000, rowsize: 10,*/ nullColor: '#000000', tooltip: { headerFormat: 'Peso del krill en la profundidad
', pointFormat: '{point.x:%e %b, %Y %H:%M:%S} - Profundidad:{point.y}, Peso: {point.value}' }, turboThreshold: Number.MAX_VALUE // #3404, remove after 4.0.5 release }/*,{ name: 'Depth', type:'spline', data: navi_helper.seriesSets.randomSeries, enableMouseTracking: false }*/] }); if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('y-axis-helper') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addAxis({ id:'y-axis-helper', title: { text: 'Cuán lejos debajo de la superficie estaba el krill', style:{ fontSize:'large', color:'black' } } },false,true,true); } if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('y-axis-helper-2') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addAxis({ id:'y-axis-helper', title: { text: 'Cantidad de krill (g)', style:{ fontSize:'medium', color:'black', height:'40px' } ,rotation:270 }, opposite:true },false,true,true); } if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('x-axis-helper') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addAxis({ id:'x-axis-helper', lineWidth:0, title: { text: 'Cuándo estuvo el krill ahí', style:{ fontSize:'large', color:'black' } } },true,true,true); } navi_helper.clickEnabled = false; } else if( this.current_page == 4 ) { console.log('Page 4'); jQuery('#extension-controls').hide(); navi_helper.clickEnabled = true; } else if( this.current_page == 5 ) { console.log('Page 5'); jQuery('#extension-controls').hide(); navi_helper.clickEnabled = false; if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('realWhaleDepth') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addSeries({ id:'realWhaleDepth', name: 'Profundidad', type:'spline', data: navi_helper.seriesSets.whaleData, enableMouseTracking:true, lineWidth:3, color:'black' }); } } else if( this.current_page == 6 ) { console.log('Page 6'); jQuery('#extension-controls').hide(); navi_helper.clickEnabled = false; if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('realWhaleDepth') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addSeries({ id:'realWhaleDepth', name: 'Profundidad', type:'spline', data: navi_helper.seriesSets.whaleData, enableMouseTracking:true, lineWidth:3, color:'black' }); } } else if( this.current_page == 7 ) { console.log('Page 7'); this.clearChartData(); jQuery('#extension-controls').show(); navi_helper.clickEnabled = false; console.log('Extension 1'); this.my_chart = Highcharts.chart('highcharts-graph-1', { chart: { type: 'spline', spacingRight: 10, events: { load: function () { console.log('load'); var series = this.series[0], len =; this.addSeries({ id: 'end point', showInLegend: false, type: 'scatter', marker: { symbol: "url(", width:50, height:28 }, data: [[[len - 1].x,[len - 1].y ]] }); var series2 = this.get('end point'); /* setInterval(function () { var x = (new Date()).getTime(), y = Math.random(); len =; series.addPoint([x,y], true, true);[0].update([x,y]); }, 1000); */ /* var series = this.series[0], len =; var series2 = this.get('end point'); setInterval(function () { var x = (new Date()).getTime(), y = Math.random(); len =; series.addPoint([x,y], true, true);[0].update([x,y]); }, 1000);}*/ } } }, plotOptions:{}, title: { text: 'Datos de seguimiento de una ballena' }, tooltip:{ useHTML:true, enabled:false }, xAxis: { title: { text: "Tiempo" }, tickLength: 0, type: 'datetime', min: 1241715360000, max: 1241745600000, labels:{ enabled:false, formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value === 1241715600000) { return '17:00
Después del mediodía' } if( this.value === 1241740800000) { return '00:00
Tarde a la noche' } var myFormat = (new Date()); myFormat.setTime(this.value); //console.log(myFormat); return ((myFormat.getHours()+4) %24) + ':' + (myFormat.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + myFormat.getMinutes() : myFormat.getMinutes() ) ; //return this.value; } } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Profundidad (m)' }, reversed: true, min:0, max:400, labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value===0 ) { return 'Superficie 0'; } if( this.value===400 ) { return 'Profundo 400'; } return this.value; } }, }, series: [{ name: 'Profundidad', data: [navi_helper.seriesSets.patternWhaleData[0]], //navi_helper.seriesSets.patternWhaleData, enableMouseTracking:false, marker: {enabled:false}, lineWidth:3, zoneAxis: 'x', zones: [ { value: 1241721840000, color: 'blue' }, { value:1241728320000, color: 'red' }, { value:1241738400000, color: 'gold' }, { color: 'green' }] }] }); this.extensionUpdateChart(); //Now we need to set up the pathing for a whale so that we can draw it. //We won't make it really random, but we have to do something. //navi_helper.chart.redraw({duration:3000, easing}) } else if( this.current_page == 8 ) { console.log('Page 8'); jQuery('#extension-controls').show(); navi_helper.clickEnabled = false; console.log('Extension 2'); //Load the chart from page 3, we will need to add bounds to it. this.clearChartData(); this.my_chart = Highcharts.chart('highcharts-graph-1', { data: {csv:navi_helper.seriesSets.krillData}, chart: { type: 'heatmap', zoomType: 'xy', colsize: 360000, events: { click: navi_helper.chartClickEvent } //margin: [60, 10, 80, 50] }, legend: { align: 'right', layout: 'vertical', margin: 0, padding:0, verticalAlign: 'top', reversed:true, symbolHeight:400, title:'Krill Weight', y:50 }, boost: { useGPUTranslations: true }, title: { text: 'Datos del krill', align: 'center', x: 40 }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value === 1241701200000) { return '13:00
Mediodía' } if( this.value === 1241730000000) { return '21:00
Tarde a la noche' } var myFormat = (new Date()); myFormat.setTime(this.value); //console.log(myFormat); return (myFormat.getHours()+4) + ':' + (myFormat.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + myFormat.getMinutes() : myFormat.getMinutes() ) ; //return this.value; } }, plotBands: [{ // mark the weekend borderWidth:3, borderColor:'yellow', color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', from: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 12, 46 ,00 ), to: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 15, 56, 00 ), label: { text: "Exploración", style: { color: 'yellow', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize:'large' }, y:50 }, zIndex:20 },{ // mark the weekend borderWidth:3, borderColor:'lime', color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', from: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 15, 57 ,00 ), to: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 17, 56, 00 ), label: { text: "Alimentación", style: { color: 'lime', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize:'large' }, y:50 }, zIndex:21 },{ // mark the weekend borderWidth:3, borderColor:'yellow', color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', from: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 17, 57 ,00 ), to: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 19, 14, 00 ), label: { text: "Exploración", style: { color: 'yellow', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize:'medium' }, y:50 }, zIndex:22 },{ // mark the weekend borderWidth:3, borderColor:'lime', color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)', from: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 19, 15 ,00 ), to: Date.UTC(2009, 4, 7, 21, 30, 00 ), label: { text: "Alimentación", style: { color: 'lime', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize:'large' }, y:50 }, zIndex:23 }], }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Profundidad (meters)' }, labels: { format: '{value}' }, minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, tickWidth: 1, reversed: true, }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Profundidad (m)' }, reversed: true, labels:{ formatter: function () { //console.log(this.value); if( this.value===0 ) { return 'Superficie 0'; } if( this.value===400 ) { return 'Profundo 400'; } return this.value; } }, min:0, max:400, minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, tickWidth: 1, reversed: true, }, colorAxis: { stops: [ [0,'#1589FF'], //[0, '#3060cf'], [0.5, '#fffbbc'], [0.9, '#c4463a'], [1, '#c4463a'] ], min: 0, max: 19.2786, startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, labels: { format: '{value} ' } }, series: [{ boostThreshold: 100, borderWidth: 0, colsize: 360000, rowsize:10, /*colsize: 360000, rowsize: 10,*/ nullColor: '#000000', tooltip: { headerFormat: 'Peso del krill en la profundidad
', pointFormat: '{point.x:%e %b, %Y %H:%M:%S} - Profundidad:{point.y}, Peso: {point.value}' }, turboThreshold: Number.MAX_VALUE // #3404, remove after 4.0.5 release }/*,{ name: 'Depth', type:'spline', data: navi_helper.seriesSets.randomSeries, enableMouseTracking: false }*/] }); navi_helper.clickEnabled = false; if( !navi_helper.my_chart.get('realWhaleDepth') ) { navi_helper.my_chart.addSeries({ id:'realWhaleDepth', name: 'Profundidad', type:'spline', data: navi_helper.seriesSets.whaleData, enableMouseTracking:true, lineWidth:3, color:'black' }); } } else if( this.current_page == 9 ) { console.log('Page 9 - End'); jQuery('#extension-controls').hide(); navi_helper.clickEnabled = false; } /* jQuery('#info-instructions-2-3').hide(); jQuery('#info-instructions-6').hide(); if( this.current_page == 2 || this.current_page == 3 ) { jQuery('#info-instructions-2-3').show(); }else if(this.current_page == 6 ) { jQuery('#info-instructions-6').show(); } if( this.current_page == 5 ) { jQuery('#tide-information-1').show(); jQuery('#tide-information-2').show(); }else{ jQuery('#tide-information-1').hide(); jQuery('#tide-information-2').hide(); } */ this.update_info_bubbles(); jQuery('button','#mosaic-button-nav').removeClass('current-page'); jQuery('button[data-page-id="'+ this.current_page +'"]','#mosaic-button-nav').addClass('current-page'); jQuery('.switch-page','#mosaic-page-content').removeClass('view-page'); jQuery('#mosaic-page-' + this.current_page + '-left','#mosaic-page-content').addClass('view-page'); //jQuery('#play-controls-1').css({display: ( this.current_page > 3 ? 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Probably. No longer questioning it. jQuery('') .css({ top:, left: create_icon.position.left }).html(''+ create_icon.content +''). appendTo(target); for(var i in create_icon.icon_position){ var new_pos = create_icon.icon_position[i]; jQuery('') .css({ top:, left: new_pos.left }).html(''). appendTo(target); } } } jQuery('span.marker').on('click', function() { var $marker = jQuery(this), $caption = jQuery('span.caption', $marker); //console.log($caption); if( $caption.length < 1 ) { if( $marker.hasClass('penguin') ) { jQuery('').trigger('click'); }else if( $marker.hasClass('whale') ) { jQuery('').trigger('click'); }else if( $marker.hasClass('plankton') ) { jQuery('').trigger('click'); } }else{ if ($':hidden')) { $caption.slideDown(300); } else { $caption.slideUp(300); } } }); //Fix anchor links in the span marker click to avoid event propagation // and other bad behavior jQuery('span.marker a').on('click', function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); return true; }); return true; }, update_image_information: function () { return true; 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