Links for Educators:

Summary of professional workshops. and programs (2015-2019)

Student Polar Research Symposiums (2016-2018)

Success stories of our  partner educators

NMEA Current Special Edition: Polar-ICE


The Polar ICE program engages students grades 6-12th grade in polar science.

  • We  connect polar scientists to K-12 classrooms and  facilitate the use of science data with students.
  • We partner with  educators to design and implement activities focused on bringing polar research and data to science class.


Attend Student Research Symposium with selected students Teach a lesson in your classroom and share your lessons learned Assist students in developing and conducting Polar STEM investigations Develop a lesson on cutting edge Polar STEM research with scientists Attend a one day professional development or webinar to lear how Attend Sci-I professional development workshop Attend EARTH professional development workshop