Bring the Ocean back to school in Fall 2023!

Welcome back educators and students!  Just a few quick reminders for resources you might be interested in as you plan the school year: 1. Order your "Explorers of the Deep" kits today! This STEM focused kit was developed by a team…

SST, PAR, chlorophyll, sea ice…oh my! – a story behind a teacher-scientist partnership

We interviewed Matt Fichter, a Palmer LTER RET, and Nicole Waite to hear a bit more about their teacher-scientist partnership as they developed a data-focused lesson plan for middle school earth and space science class during the summer of 2016. The…

Bringing Whale DNA to High School Students – story of the teacher-scientist partnership

We interviewed Alexis Custer, a Palmer LTER RET, and Logan Pallin to hear a bit more about their teacher-scientist partnership as they developed a data-focused lesson plan for high school biology during the summer of 2016. The Data Nugget:…

Talking about the Sci-I Project with the U.S. Secretary of Education

Pam Gildersleeve-Hernandez, Superintendent/Principal at San Antonio Elementary School, traveled from southern Monterey County, CA to Washington D.C. to talk with the U.S. Secretary of Education, Dr. John King, in late October. As one of…

Polar-ICE Sci-I Project 2017-18 Cohort Resources

The Polar-ICE Sci-I Project 2017-18 cohort included a fantastic group of 19 middle and early high school educators from New Jersey, Ohio, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, and central California. Below is information about participating educators,…

What is the Bigger Picture? – Scientist-Teacher Partnerships

It all started in 2003 after spending a week listening to teachers tell us what they would want in an ideal professional development workshop... connecting with researchers - to meet them and hear their stories both professional and personal…

Testable Questions, Not Often…But We Are Changing That

Heads nod in unison, a few eyes roll, but no one’s world is rocked. After all we only stated, “make sure it is a testable question.” It seems obvious enough that scientific questions are testable, right? But when we push our students…

Polar-ICE/MBARI EARTH Workshop 2016 – A huge success!

The Polar-ICE/MBARI EARTH Workshop was a huge success! Twenty phenomenal elementary through high school educators from around the US gathered in New Brunswick, NJ for a week of polar science. We spent a week deep in polar science, real data,…

Polar-ICE Sci-I Project 2016-17 Cohort Resources

The Polar-ICE Sci-I Project 2016-17 cohort included a fantastic group of 21 middle and early high school educators from New Jersey and central California. Below is information about participating educators, project resources, workshop activities,…

Ocean Sciences Meeting – Educator Workshop with Polar-ICE Science Communication Series

The Polar-ICE hosted it's first compendium Educator Workshop in conjunction with the Polar-ICE Science Communication Series workshop held prior to the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans, LA. Educators from throughout the country spent…