SST, PAR, chlorophyll, sea ice…oh my! – a story behind a teacher-scientist partnership

We interviewed Matt Fichter, a Palmer LTER RET, and Nicole Waite to hear a bit more about their teacher-scientist partnership as they developed a data-focused lesson plan for middle school earth and space science class during the summer of 2016. The…

Bringing Whale DNA to High School Students – story of the teacher-scientist partnership

We interviewed Alexis Custer, a Palmer LTER RET, and Logan Pallin to hear a bit more about their teacher-scientist partnership as they developed a data-focused lesson plan for high school biology during the summer of 2016. The Data Nugget:…

Talking about the Sci-I Project with the U.S. Secretary of Education

Pam Gildersleeve-Hernandez, Superintendent/Principal at San Antonio Elementary School, traveled from southern Monterey County, CA to Washington D.C. to talk with the U.S. Secretary of Education, Dr. John King, in late October. As one of…

Polar-ICE Sci-I Project 2017-18 Cohort Resources

The Polar-ICE Sci-I Project 2017-18 cohort included a fantastic group of 19 middle and early high school educators from New Jersey, Ohio, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, and central California. Below is information about participating educators,…

Video Teleconferences from Palmer Station

Connect Your Students With Scientists in Antarctica Participate in an opportunity to virtually join in the Long Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) program with a polar scientist.   Students will engage in a 30-minute virtual scientific briefing…

EARTH Workshop in Monterey CA!

EARTH 2017 will be July 16-21, 2017 in Monterey, California. The focus will be on polar research as we are partnering with Rutgers University and CSUMB on our joint NSF Polar-ICE grant. We are adding the C-DEBI group as well so there'll be some…