LIVE Webinar: Chat with Antarctic Researchers, 12/16/21 7pm EST
Join Rutgers oceanographer Oscar Schofield as he chats with researchers aboard the Nathaniel B. Palmer as they study the marine ecosystems of the West Antarctic Peninsula. Learn how the West Antarctic Peninsula has changed over the past…
LIVE Webinar – Science Research on the Ice
Especially for Middle School and
High School Students!
Thursday, May 6, 2021, 7-8pm ET
Don't miss the chance to meet three amazing scientists who conduct research at Palmer Station, Antarctica. You'll have a chance to hear…
On Board with MOSAiC: How an Arctic Research Expedition Can Engage Students in Earth’s Systems Thinking
Brought to you by NMLSTA and the NSTA Middle Level Teaching Committee
Join us for our next Webinar featuring MOSAiC Curriculum Developer Jon Griffith
February 18, 2021: On Board with MOSAiC: How an Arctic Research Expedition…
Digital Earth Academy: Ice – Sign up for this LIVE Virtual Program
Late-breaking news: We just learned about this FREE virtual field trip (via ZOOM) being offered by the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The program is open to classes that meet virtually or in-person.
Digital Earth Academy:…
Educator Webinar – Plunging into our Polar Seas
The National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) has announced a special polar science webinar series aimed at middle and high school educators focused on the 2021 NOSB competition theme, Plunging Into Our Polar Seas.