Polar-izing your Science Impacts: Turn your Research into Science Stories and Take Science Stories to the Classroom (workshop flyer)
January 9-11, 2019 at the University of Delaware, Newark DE at Clayton Hall

Polar scientists at any stage of their career are invited to share their research as well as learn, practice, and discuss effective techniques for science communication.
What does the public need to know about your polar research?
How can you support your undergraduate students to think critically about polar science stories in the media?
Good science storytelling is a powerful way to bring public attention to remote areas like the polar regions. Stories about the changing poles are common, but don’t capture the complexity of the data. We invite you to explore these issues in a two-day workshop. Learn how to tell compelling science stories, and to bring data driven, critical analysis to your undergraduate classroom. You will:
- Present your latest polar science research
- Learn science communication skills and techniques
- Receive classroom ready, pre-packed polar science modules complete with video tutorials that can be integrated into your classroom.
- Participate in a journal manuscript on creating and critically analyzing polar science stories with available databases.
- Participate in the continued development of Polar Literacy Principles (see polar-ice.org).
The workshop will feature Ari Daniel, Senior Digital Producer at NOVA and independent science reporter Josh Kurz, a film producer and principal of Tilapia Films.
Wednesday January 9, 2019
- Registration and social event.
Thursday January 10, 2019: Taking Your Research to the Media
- Art of Storytelling with Ari Daniel, Science Reporter and Josh Kurz, Producer Tilapia Films.
- Exploring Polar Literacy. Develop and review polar stories with panel of experts
- Research Poster Session
Friday January 11, 2019: From Media Stories Back to the Classroom
- Explore a new data driven polar module developed for undergraduate students
Registration Information
Sponsored by: University of Delaware and Rutgers University
Apply for this workshop by December 1, 2018. Register online
- Only 40 scientists will be selected for participation in this project.
- A $300 stipend is available for participants who develop media products about their research for Polar Interdisciplinary Coordinated Education (Polar ICE).
- See the Polar Literacy Initiative for more information and an example of an audio science communication piece.
- More logistical information upon acceptance into the workshop. A block of rooms have been reserved for this workshop at the Courtyard Marriott in Newark DE.
- All travel support funds have been claimed and are no longer available.
Past Science Communication Workshops for Polar Researchers:
- Sunday, February 11, 2018, Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland, OR, at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. 2018 Workshop Flyer
- Sunday February 21, 2016. Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans, LA at the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas. 2016 Workshop Flyer.
- Lunch presentations at Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans, LA. 2016 Flyer