Join me at the STEMNet Colloquium Series on April 6, 2022- Data to the Rescue: Penguins Need Our Help!
The Center for Math, Science & Computer Education invites you to their inaugural colloquium series where Janice McDonnell, will share findings from her research in an out of school time project that leverages the availability of real-world scientific data to strengthen the practices of science, such as visualizing, analyzing, and interpreting data while engaging youth in discussing the impacts of climate change. The project culminates in a creative project called a Data Jam to help youth communicate how the polar regions are transforming due to climate change.
Learn about strategies to help facilitate the use of messy data in the classroom using online tools such as CODAP.Opportunities for school districts to serve as a field test site for this exciting program.
6th April, 2022 at 4:30-5:45 pm
Room 221 A, Center for Math, Science & Computer Education,Alexander T. Pond Building, 118 Frelinghuysen Road,Piscataway, NJ
Register using the QR code on the flyer: