I.D. Antarctica #3 – Answer
Hello again! Did you think it was easy or hard to identify our week #3 mystery creature? I hope you enjoyed the challenge! Or did it make you feel like this fish looks?
Well, the correct answer for the fish identification is.....drum…

I.D. Antarctica – Mystery Creature #3
Hello again! I am especially excited this week because we have caught some larval fishes during a net tow in the bay pictured above.
Most adult fishes in the Southern Ocean are benthic, which means they live near the sea floor. However,…

I.D. Antarctica #2 – Answer
Hi everyone! I hope you had fun trying to identify this week’s mystery creature! It can really be a challenge to identify an organism from just one photograph - ideally, you'd be able to see the actual creature from many different angles.

I.D. Antarctica #2
Greetings from Antarctica! I am standing on the back deck of our ship, the Laurence M. Gould, preparing to launch our net system. We are using the net to catch a variety of small marine animals that are collectively called zooplankton. We lower…

SWARM Data Activity #1
In addition to our weekly I.D. Antarctica mysteries, this winter we are also happy to feature a series of data activities from Project SWARM.
Oceanographers from Rutgers University and the University of Delaware are currently staying at…

I.D. Antarctica #1 Answer
Hello again! We made it out of the sea ice and we are currently searching for whales to try and tag.
Were you able to identify the mystery creature in I.D. Antarctica #1? I hope you were all able to understand how to use the dichotomous…

Attention Educators – Please check out this polar opportunity
The Arctic LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) site is recruiting two middle or high school teachers to travel with a research team to the north slope of Alaska during the summer of 2020. This experience immerses teachers in the practices of…

I.D. Antarctica #1
A beautiful white bird just flew by and I have no idea what species it is. I almost missed it with how well it blends in with its surroundings.
Let’s try and identify it with a dichotomous key I created just for this challenge - download…

I.D. Antarctica Begins Soon
Welcome to the first post of our I.D. Antarctica series. Over the next 6 weeks, Andrew Corso, a PhD candidate at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, will post weekly "mysteries" during his research cruise off the coast of Antarctica. This…