Postcard 5 – Penguins of Palmer

Dear Explorer:
It is time to combine our knowledge of the penguin species and our ability to work with the data. In preparation for this research club meeting, please:
✓ View the data story and answer some questions in your journal.
We will be using something called CODAP – Common Online Data Platform to analyze the penguin population data. As researchers, we must learn new tools all the time. I know this can be challenging but it will be worth it! I really need your help analyzing this data and helping me save the penguins. You will earn your third badge in this session.

1. A Data Story of Penguin Populations
The story below explores how the penguin populations have changed from 1990-2016 around the Palmer Research Station area on the Western Antarctica Peninsula. Note the data shown is the number of breeding pairs.
How are the penguin populations changing?
Now that you have reviewed the penguin data, let us see what we have learned…