Polar-ICE Sci-I Project 2016-17 Cohort Resources
The Polar-ICE Sci-I Project 2016-17 cohort included a fantastic group of 21 middle and early high school educators from New Jersey and central California.
Below is information about participating educators, project resources, workshop activities, and media coverage with respect to the the Sci-I Project 2016-17 cohort. Additional information for participating educators could be found in the shared Google Folder for the project.
Participating Educators:
School | Location | Teacher(s) |
Chalone Peaks Middle School | King City, CA | Sue Morrow |
Conackamack Middle School | Piscataway, NJ | Dolores Taylor |
Hillside Avenue School | Cranford, NJ | Matthew Fichter, Kristen Hague |
Kearny High School | Kearny, NJ | Rosetta Arrigo, Lourdes Villacis |
Lincoln Middle School | Kearny, NJ | Patricia Hester-Fearon, Jacqueline Lacik |
Pacific Grove Middle School | Pacific Grove, CA | Kelly Terry |
Princeton High School | Princeton, NJ | Alexis Custer, Jacquline Katz, Jennifer Smolyn |
San Antonio Elementary | Lockwood, CA | Denise Hardoy |
Seaside High School | Seaside, CA | Katie Gialketsis, Carolyn Laymon, Leah Luchsinger, Gayle McKee |
Seaside Middle School | Seaside, CA | Stacia Lothian |
Walter Colton Middle School | Monterey, CA | Tom Grych, Justine Hochstaedter, Kimberly Kellam |
Project Resources:
- Explanation for Project Components & Participants Expectations
- PAL-LTER (Palmer Long Term Ecological Research) Background Information
- The PAL-LTER sampling grid area is 260,000 km2…
- California is 423,970 km2, so the PAL-LTER sampling grid area is equivalent to 0.4 (40%) of all of California
- New Jersey is 22,591 km2, so New Jersey could fit inside the PAL-LTER sampling grid area 7.9 times
Polar Data Resources:
- Instructions for Accessing PAL-LTER (Palmer Long Term Ecological Research) Data through Datazoo – help for accessing PAL-LTER data
- Online Polar Science Data Portals – some ideas of where to find online polar data
Open-Ended Science Investigation Resources:
- Polar-ICE Sci-I Project Request For Proposals (RFP) – A RFP is the document funding agencies put out to solicit scientists to submit proposals about their work. It explains what kinds of projects they are interested in funding, so it provides the “why” for submitting the proposal. We created something similar for the Sci-I Project in case you are interested in using it.
- Support about Conducting Science Investigations
- Characteristics of a Testable Questions
- Open-Ended Science Investigation Checklist
- Mini-Proposal Guidelines – what the students should follow to create their proposals (updated 11/8/16)
- Sample Student Mini-Proposal – a resource for teachers to get an idea of what a complete mini-proposal could look like, NOT an exemplar
- Mini-Proposal Feedback Form – what we will use to provide feedback to your students (updated 11/8/16)
Student Polar Research Symposium Resources: (remember to check out the SPRS webpage)
- Project CONVERGE Student Research Symposium video – see to what the upcoming SPRS will be similar
- Support for Developing Scientific Posters
- Investigation Rubric – what the scientists will use to provide feedback to your students at the SPRS
- Background & Important Dates about Student Polar Research Symposium
- Student Polar Research Symposium Reflection Discussion Prompts – help your students reflect on their experience by leading them in a reflective discussion about it
Sci-I Project 2016 Evaluation Documents:
- Sci-I Project Student Evaluation FAQ
- Student Assent Form (English)
- Student Assent Form (Spanish)
- Parent Consent Form (English)
- Parent Consent Form (Spanish)
Workshop Activities:
Data Activities:
- Accessing and Using Data (Monday) – summary, slidedeck, handout
- Refining Questions (Monday) – summary, slidedeck
- Making Testable Questions (Tuesday) – summary, slidedeck, Sample Student Questions
- Thinking about Data (Tuesday) – summary, slidedeck
- Evolution of Data Figure (Wednesday) – summary, slidedeck, data figures: MLD&Temp_AllData, MLD&Temp_WithoutYear, CombinedMLDTemp_AllData, CombinedMLDTemp_DailyAverage, CombinedMLDTemp_DailyAvgSD
- Student Mini-Proposals (Thursday) – summary, slidedeck, Student Sample Mini-Proposals
Media Coverage:
- “Unique Science Investigations Workshop Connects Polar Scientists with Teachers and Students” July 14, 2016 – SEBS NJAES Newsroom
- “Salinas Valley students study South Pole” December 9, 2016 – The Californian